Sunday 24 March 2019

Artist Of The Week: Q&A With Danielle Todd

Hi everyone and welcome back to another Artist Of The Week series.

It’s been a long time since my last series so thank you for your amazing patience.

Recently, I interviewed singer-songwriter who is originally from Canada but now resides in Nashville, TN.

The artist I am talking about is the talented Danielle Todd.

Danielle truly has talent and what can I say her voice is captivating from the moment you hear her.

Her latest song ‘Crazy’ is infectious, catchy and speaks volumes, its music to my eyes.

If you don’t believe check out the video below and tell me what you think in the comment section below.

Catchy am I right???

Which person are you in this song?

If I had to choose I’d say I’m a bit of all of 4 hehe.

Well my lovelies, in this exclusive interview Danielle talks about her origins, when she knew she wanted to become a singer-songwriter, the meaning behind her new song, the inspiration, what’s to come and more.

Sit back, relax and enjoy this exclusive one on one interview with the lovely Danielle Todd.

Please tell the readers who you are and where you’re from?

D: My name is Daniele Todd and I am a singer/songwriter from Guelph, Ontario (Canada) and I currently live in Nashville, TN.

How old were you when you knew you wanted to become a singer-songwriter?

D: I was a singer since before I could talk. I would hum melodies and sing along to the radio without being able to speak! I loved music from day 1. I really started writing when I was in high school. My dad bought me my first upright piano and told me if I taught myself to play the piano, I didn’t have to get a summer job. What a deal, eh? So instead of “learning” to play piano, I sat at the piano and wrote song after song.

Recently, you made your debut with latest single ‘Crazy’. What was the inspiration in writing the song?

D: I wrote this song with two beautiful women, Bobbi Holliday from Oklahoma, and Caitie Thompson from Ohio. We met at a songwriter’s retreat and were thrown into a room together. The song came together so quickly and it’s all about a stubborn person who doesn’t want to be in a relationship, but they end up falling harder than they can imagine.

What was the process in making the video to your latest single?

D: I made the video in Chatham, Ontario in a beautiful old renovated Church. The idea behind the video was to capture “multiple personalities” of me. The four different looks fall into different decades; the 50’s domestic housewife, the 70’s hippie, and the 90’s boy crazy teen and of course today! All of these stereotypes are considered a little crazy, and all of these decades represent me. I grew up in the 90’s listening to major country artists, I am a complete tree hugger hippie and I LOVE baking and taking care of people like a domestic housewife.

Will there be a second single anytime soon?

D: I’m a songwriter, so there is always new music in the works!

When will we expect the release of your future EP?

D: Once we release a couple more singles we will have an EP coming out.

And in the coming months what should we expect?

D: We are working on the second release. There will also be a visit to Australia in early 2020. I can’t wait to see all my Aussie fans again.

Lastly, what would you like to say to your fans?
D: I really do have the best fan base a girl could ask for. My fans pull together and support me like no other fans in the world, I’m sure of it. So thank you to everyone who has followed my journey! If you aren’t already part of my private fan group, please join “The Hot Toddy’s” on Facebook. The Hot Toddy’s have become a giant family and I’m so proud to have them on my side.

I would like to say thank you so much, Danielle, in taking the time out of your very busy schedule and I look forward to seeing you in early 2020 as I am sure your fans are too.

And congratulations Danielle, I just found out that you are currently #13 on the KIX Country Radio Chart and got up to #37 on the Music Network Chart which is pretty awesome for a new independent artist. Well done :)

Hope you all enjoyed our interview and if you did, make sure to head to all of the artist’s social media pages via the links below.

And make sure to purchase Danielle Todd’s latest single ‘Crazy’ now on ITunes and you can listen now on Spotify.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and see you in my next entry.

Enjoy the rest of your day everyone!!!

Much love to you all and ciao for now!
Hanan xx

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