Sunday 29 October 2017

Artist Of The Week: Q&A With Skye Wallace

Welcome to another Artist of the Week series.

Over the next few weeks, I will be introducing to you all, five artists who I have had the privilege interviewing recently.

To start off the series is my first artist Skye Wallace who is a singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada.

Here is a brief bio:

Skye Wallace is what happens when a classically trained singer with east coast roots discovers punk rock in their youth. Hailed coast to coast as a “national treasure” (Sad mag), Skye Wallace bases out of Toronto, Ontario.

Her voice and sound, accompanied by her full band, is a force to be reckoned with. Her previous album Something Wicked, produced by Jim Bryson, was listed as one of Vancouver Weekly’s Best albums of 2016 and CBC’s Top 8 Albums You Need To Hear This Month.

Dubbed by CBC’s Stephen Quinn a ‘Kick ass record’, Something Wicked will ‘burn you to the ground’. (Vice/Noisey)!

Skye has now released a brand new single with an album to follow in 2018 called ‘Scarlet Fever’.

Watch Skye Wallace’s “Scarlet Fever” below.

‘Scarlet Fever’ is a rock song telling a love story set in the Yukon. “After a winter apart, Scarlet arriving in the Dawson City harbour by boat and her lover awaits on land, petrified with uncertainty over the state of their devotion. The song’s energy evokes the messy turmoil of love and lust, and the music video directed by Nathanael Vass, reflects the jittery, sexy maddening thrill that comes with it.”

A remarkable artist in her own right and is definitely someone to keep an eye out for.
She is truly talented and I look forward to seeing what’s next in store now and in 2018.

In this exclusive interview, Skye talks about her roots, who inspired her, what Scarlet Fever means to her and much more!!!

Please welcome my special guest Skye Wallace.

Please tell the readers who you are and where you’re from?

SW: My name is Skye Wallace – I’m an artist based out of Toronto, Canada. I’m from Ontario originally, spent some years in Vancouver, and have roots in Newfoundland and North Ontario.

Who inspired you to become a singer-songwriter?

SW: Neil Young was a big one, as far as my initial push to start writing songs. Artists that inspired me to grow my sound and scope of songwriting include Patti Smith, PJ Harvey, Bill Callahan, St Vincent, and John K Samson.

You’ve released a great new single called “Scarlet Fever”. What does this song mean to you?

SW: This song is near and dear to my heart. It was originally released as a bonus track on an album I put out in 2014 called Living Parts, but it’s morphed into a very different song throughout the years and it’s remained an integral part of the live setlist.

I wanted to re-record “Scarlet Fever” to showcase what the song has become. It’s such a fun one to play, and the love story set in the Yukon that can be found in the lyrics is a fun energy to evoke.

In making the video to your latest single, what was the process and what was your favorite part?

SW: This was a very creative, fun process with my friend Nathanael Vass. We went with Babehole in East Vancouver (which by the way, is home to four bodacious and powerful women in the music industry) and filmed in the garage. Basically, we decided the centerpiece of the video would be that maniac, jittery energy of the song and story, the messy turmoil of love and lust.

I think my favorite part was lip-syncing, to hyper slowed down or hyper sped up versions of the song so that Nate could attain the slow-motion/fast-motion effect that you see in the video. I had a great time.

Will there be an upcoming album?

SW: Yes! It’s in the works right now. I’ll be releasing a new song early 2018, with another music video, and the full album will be along later in 2018. I’ll be announcing more in the coming months!

Throughout your career, what has been the most rewarding and what has been the most challenging?

SW: The support that I receive from audiences, family, friends, team members, and folks I meet in my touring travels is a real high of this profession. There are many moments that are lows (self-doubt, burning out, rejection, uncertainty, social anxiety, debt), but I’ve learned to trust that it will all come around and the highs will rear their head again. The highs are becoming more and more frequent.

If you weren’t an artist, what are your other passions that you would consider pursuing?

SW: I’ve always thought I’d make a good midwife. It’s a fascinating profession that I’ve always been drawn to. I’ve also curled throughout my life, so maybe I would have kept up with that a bit more!

In the coming months, what should we expect?

SW: I’ll be touring the East Coast of Canada in November, heading to the West Coast for some shows in December, and have European/US/Central Canadian tours in the works for the Spring. I’ll be releasing a new single that I’m really excited about around International Women’s Day as well!

And what would you like to say to your fans?

SW: Thank you for being there! I’ve worked hard to make the music that I believe in and to have such lovely, supportive people championing what I do makes it all worthwhile!

Thank you so much for being a part of the series. It was a privilege to interview you.
I wish you all the best with your amazing career. It is just the beginning!!! We hope to see you in Australia in the future. Can’t wait for the release of your new album in 2018.

To keep up to date on the latest music, news, tours etc. head to all social media links below!! Make sure to follow, like and subscribe.


What a great way to start the series.
Hope you all enjoyed as much as I did.

Don’t forget to follow, like and subscribe to Music Beats Central for the latest new music, classics, interviews, reviews and more.


Thank you all so much for stopping by.
Enjoy the rest of your day and weekend and come back soon for my next entry.

Wishing everyone an amazing week ahead!!!

Much love to you all and ciao for now!
Hanan xx

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